
ASCIS2020 Quals - Findme, Crypt writeups

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Challenge Info
  • Given files: findme.exe.
  • Category: Reverse engineering
  • Summary: The given file is a Windows 32-bit PE file which reads in and checks a password. It actually acts as an RPC client, spawns an RPC server and communicates with it. It passes the password to the server and the server does the checking.
  1. Analyze the given binary -> learn that it’s an RPC client -> dump the RPC server.
  2. Analyze the server -> find suspicious check function.
  3. Write z3 script to solve checking equations.

Analyzing the client

First off, I started to analyze the file statically. By looking at the main function, it is clear that this program reads an input password, then passes it to the checking function using the Remote procedure call (RPC) protocol, I knew this because the program makes calls to RpcStringBindingComposeA, RpcBindingFromStringBindingA and NdrClientCall2 (although at the time, I knew nothing about RPC).

By reading the documentation from Microsoft about RPC and also doing some googling, I knew that this is a server - client protocol, and our program is acting as a client (RPC is always initiated by the client). Therefore, there must be a server running somewhere, but I couldn’t find the part where the program initiates the server in main.

Initially, my suspect was that the server is initiated somewhere before main, in the initialization process of the PE. But I thought that looking into it would cost too much time, so I went the easier way, which is using the debugger attach option of IDA to list all the processes running in the system, and I found out that there was a dll running in the %TEMP% folder of Windows, and this probably was the server (I renamed it too server.dll).

Analyzing the server

I opened up the dll in IDA, there is a lot of functions, and most of the calls are (maybe) obfuscated in the way that they are called indirectly by some pointers in the data segment. Again, the client passes the password to the server using NdrClientCall2, one of the parameter of that function is a MIDL-generated procedure format string, which indicates what function will be called in the server. I did some googling to try and understand this parameter, but I didn’t find much information, so I just looked at all the functions in the server dll one by one, and the most interesting function is the first function sub_401000, which only takes in 1 parameter and passes it to a lot of bitwise equations and finally returns a boolean value, and that seems likely to be the password checking function.

Solving the equations

So then, I simply wrote a python script to solve the equations using z3, the checking process is pretty simple: it checks if the length of the password is 16, and then do a series of calculations that form 16 equations. The script is as follow:

from z3 import BitVec, Solver

a = []
for i in range(16):
	a.append(BitVec('a' + str(i), 8))

s = Solver()

v1 = a[14]
v32 = a[12]
v31 = v1
v2 = a[15] ^ v1
v3 = a[13]
v4 = v3 ^ v2
v5 = a[6]
v6 = v32 ^ v3 ^ v2
v33 = a[10]
v35 = a[11]
v43 = a[9]
v44 = a[8]
v34 = a[5]
v42 = a[4]
v29 = v32 ^ v2
v40 = a[1]
v41 = a[0]
v38 = a[3]
v36 = a[2]
v24 = v43 ^ v40 ^ v36 ^ v32 ^ v2
v37 = a[7]
v25 = v43 ^ a[0] ^ v33 ^ v5 ^ v37 ^ v3 ^ v35
v26 = v44 ^ v42 ^ v40 ^ a[0] ^ v37 ^ v3 ^ v35
v30 = a[15] ^ v32
v39 = v3 ^ v32 ^ v35
v27 = v43 ^ v44 ^ a[0] ^ v36 ^ v37 ^ v3 ^ v2
v28 = v31 ^ v3 ^ v32 ^ v35 ^ v44 ^ v42 ^ a[0] ^ v33 ^ v36
s.add((v35 ^ (v43 ^ v34 ^ v40 ^ a[0] ^ v33 ^ v5 ^ v38 ^ v36 ^ v2)) == 117)
v8 = 0
s.add((v35 ^ (v43 ^ v44 ^ v34 ^ v42 ^ v40 ^ a[0] ^ v6)) == 49)
s.add((v44 ^ (v34 ^ v42 ^ v5 ^ v38 ^ v37 ^ v6)) == 82)
v10 = 0
s.add((v35 ^ (v43 ^ v44 ^ v34 ^ v40 ^ v41 ^ v33 ^ v4)) == 102)
v12 = a[6]
s.add((v35 ^ (v43 ^ v34 ^ v42 ^ v40 ^ v38 ^ v36 ^ v30)) == 115)
v13 = 0
s.add((v44 ^ (v42 ^ v41 ^ v12 ^ v38 ^ v36 ^ v29)) == 56)
s.add(v28 == 50)
s.add((v42 ^ (v33 ^ v12 ^ v38 ^ v36 ^ v39)) == 110)
v16 = 0
s.add(v27 == 7)
v17 = 0
s.add((v31 ^ (v32 ^ v35 ^ v42 ^ v41 ^ v33 ^ v12 ^ v36)) == 7)
s.add(v26 == 16)
v19 = 0
s.add((v43 ^ (v44 ^ v41 ^ v37 ^ v39)) == 29)
s.add(v25 == 7)
v21 = 0
s.add(((v43 ^ (v34 ^ v42 ^ v38 ^ v30)) == 25))
s.add(v24 == 78)
s.add((v31 ^ (v34 ^ v40 ^ v38 ^ v37)) == 48)

ans = s.model()
result = ''
for i in range(16):
	result += chr(ans[a[i]].as_long())
print result

The password is HkX~^=`asfWY^&y<. Simply enter it into the client and get the flag:



The dumped server binary is server.dll.

The script for solving the password is


Challenge Info
  • Given files: Crypt, encrypted.bin.
  • Category: Reverse engineering
  • Summary: The given Crypt file is an ELF 64-bit executable compiled from C++ which takes 2 command line arguments: a key and a file name. It will check if the key is correct and then use it to somehow encrypt the file and generate encrypted.bin. The given encrypted.bin is the encrypted flag file, we have to reverse engineer the ELF file to find a way to decrypt this.
  1. Analyze the given binary statically and dynamically -> learn that it’s a big number addition -> retrieve the key.
  2. Continue analyzing the next part -> learn that it uses AES to encrypt the file.
  3. Debug to get the AES key -> decrypt encrypted.bin

Analyzing crypt

First off, I started to analyze the file statically. The first thing that happened when I threw the program into IDA is that there were a bunch of errors about PLT. Skipping all those errors and looking into the file, it’s obvious that all the library calls through PLT are obfuscated. The obfuscation scheme is not that difficult: the program has a table of all the pointers to the library functions (the same as GOT), and when it calls a library function, it makes some calls to some functions that literally get an offset from the start of that table to the desired function pointer. Therefore, it’s not that hard to statically renamed all of the obfuscated library calls.

Important Note
There is actually no obfuscation in this phase! This is just the new ELF format with a .plt.sec section that IDA can’t recognize and parse. The easiest way to parse it is to use PltResolver plugin.

Retrieving the key

The comparison happens in the if statement using only 1 function sub_45AE, so using ANGR to try to solve the key is not a viable strategy (I did try it and failed horribly). Looking back up, I saw that three C++ strings were constructed, one from our input key, and two from the global variables unk_9A80 and unk_9AA0. The values of these two variables are initialized somewhere in the initialization of the process and can be found by cross-referencing them, but they are really not that important because I decided to do this part dynamically anyway.

So, looking more carefully, our key and unk_9AA0 go through a function sub_411A, by debugging, it’s easy to recognize that this function simply mirror the string. The other variable unk_9A80 in the other hand, goes through a series of function and then gets passed in to a final function sub_47CC together with our mirrored input key.

About that “series of functions”, I didn’t even reverse them statically and just found the resulting string by debugging, it was 3669372743793841.

About sub_47CC, it literally is just an addition function on two strings that represent large integers, where the leftmost digit being the least significant digit (that is why our strings are mirrored). The value of unk_9AA0 after mirroring is 2333602996074364. So in the end, all the key checking part does is to check if our input key satisfies this equation: 1483973472739663 + key == 4634706992063332. Therefore, the key can be found by simple subtraction: 3150733519323669.

Decrypting the encrypted file

After the key comparison is a bunch of C++ allocators and strings garbage that I simply just ignored. The important encryption function is under the for loop, function sub_34C8. Digging deep into this function, it is quite a complicated cryptographic function, so I looked for constants to find out if it is any of the popular crypto. I found an interesting array of constants byte_9020, which after some quick googling, I knew that this is called the AES Sbox. So this is for sure an AES encryption, the problem then was to know which AES mode it is, and what is the AES key.

For the key, it was just the matter of debugging with GDB again and dumping it out, which was P4nd`p<c8gE;T$F8.

For the mode, I tried to create a file contains all character a, and encrypted it with the program. The result is that the encrypted file contains a bunch of the same blocks. I asked my team crypto player @pcback which mode of AES it is that makes the same cipher blocks for the same plain content, and he said it is AES ECB. With all the information, I just wrote a quick python script to decrypt the given encrypted file, which turns out to be a PNG image of the flag. The script is as follow:

from Crypto.Cipher import AES

key = b"P4nd`p<c8gE;T$F8"
encrypt = open("./encrypted.bin", "rb").read()
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)

The flag is:



The script to decrypt the encrypted file is